woops… (+ the return of Noor)

Ok so I may or may not have totally failed at actually writing on here…

Now, to be fair, I’ve kind of been way busier than I anticipated and have just been generally drowning in school, dance,youtube, etc, etc.

But, even throughout the craziness that was my summer I couldn’t help but feel guilty that I essentially dropped this blog. And I didn’t just feel guilt, but a weird longing as well.

I love talking, yes, but I have become very attached to writing within these past few years. Writing is therapeutic, it’s thought provoking (well duh; you get what I mean), and to be honest it’s hella fun.

So I’m restarting this.

And I can’t make any huge promises or say that I’ll always be consistent, but I’m going to try my best to write on here at least once a month. There may be months where I write significantly more or others where I just write a sentence but at least I’ll be trying (right?)!!

Also I’m most likely going to start a politics/world issues/activism segment so that’ll be fun!

But yes, that is all,

See you soon!


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