Welcome to my blog! (first post)

Hello blog reader!

I’m going to assume that you’re reading this for one of two reasons: 1) I forced you by obnoxiously reminding you that “HEY I started  blog, you should GO READ IT LIKE RIGHT NOW” and you, the lovely individual that you are, have succumbed to Noor pressure and are here, or 2) I’ve become an extremely well known celebrity and you’re one of my millions of fans who wants to know every detail about my daily life. Either way, welcome! I hope you find something enjoyable while you’re here.

Let me start off by introducing myself. That picture right there is me, Noor Aldayeh. I’m currently 16 years old and I’m just tryin’ to figure life out like everyone else on this crazy planet.

Today is May 9th, 2017 , and it’s the day I have finally decided to go through with one of my many life goals: to start a blog.

Why a blog? You may ask.

Well, dear reader, should you ever be fortunate enough to meet me in person, you would probably realize I’m a very loud person with very loud opinions. And, while I do love ranting to fellow peers, I felt as though I needed a place where I could fully express all of these opinions, and to hopefully be able to spark conversations and learn more about these topics.

Henceforth (much sophisticate), a blog.

A place where I can write out my random thoughts and ideas, talk about my struggles, show my photography/ Youtube videos, heck maybe even give life advice (that would be taken with full knowledge that I’m just a random teen on the internet). Most importantly, a place where I can share all of these things and build/become part of  even more communities and conversations!

So here it is. The start of a new chapter in my life, one which I can hopefully share with you guys, my readers, and one day, the rest of the world.

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